Creating A Charity App API - Part 2 - Setting Up Git &  Project Environment

Creating A Charity App API - Part 2 - Setting Up Git & Project Environment

In this video, I have linked the project with the Github repository, and go through how I setup the environment configs.

In the next video, I will create the first CRUD endpoint modules.

Full playlist:

Project details:

This project is part of the mentorship program I am conducting. This project is quite simple, but comprehensive enough to let you guys learn how to create and deploy a production ready application.

By going through this project, you'll cover how to:

  • Build your own API server using NestJS
  • Build the admin dashboard using Svelte
  • Build the mobile app using Flutter
  • Launch and deploy your applications

Interested in the mentorship program?

Join the discord server:

I will make the announcement for the projects and tutorials in the discord server.

Project repo: